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2019-nCoV Coronavirus - a globally recognizable sign for a pandemic crisis


With the ongoing development on 2019-nCoV and the and the growing news coverage of the virus there grew a need of streamlining the scientifically correct but complicated terminus of the virus and funnel it into a visually simple but easily recognizable and impactful icon.

Therefore, we recently created seamlessly looping 3D animations and 3D Illustration still pictures of a symbolic globe merging with an illustration of the human lung symbolizing the global thread of this hazardous respiratory disease. The Wuhan Corona Virus that causes the viral pneumonia outbreak like SARS virus in 2003 is not yet -as of today- defined as a deadly pandemic disease but the WHO is constantly monitoring the thread. Despite the common name "Wuhan Virus" there is a need to restrict the name and keep the focus away from the fact that it first appeared in Wuhan, China, but - and this is more important - is a highly contagious influenza virus and a global thread. The origin may be somewhat interesting but general, the emphasis should tlie on the global thread instead.

The current banner background clips and stills were released on January 23rd 2020 and since then downloaded several hundred times within the first hours after publication. They are now widely used on news channels and authority displays worldwide.

Still illustrations can be purchased on commercial and editorial license on Shutterstock:


Seamlessly looping animation clips in ProRes are available on Shutterstock and Adobe Stock.

Currently, the clip library is available at Adobe Stock on:


and on Shutterstock:


coronavirus, wuhan, corona, Chinese, virus, flag, globe, wuhan virus, China, pandemic, outbreak, alert, syndrome, acute, respiratory, infect, hubei, SARS, alveolar, severe, hazardous, lung, waving, viral, pneumonia, biohazard, crisis, national, 3D animation, background, disease, epidemic, infection, bacteria, dangerous, illness, flu, health, illustration, influenza, medical, mers, sars, chest, seamlessly looping, global, death, fatality, infectious diseases


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